
Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Ellie at school

Ellie's drawings are starting to represent real items and I'm so excited! She has gotten quite good at drawing flowers for Mommy, but you might be surprised when I say that these aren't even the best part...

Oh yes she did! My Ellie drew a picture of her family! I love that Mommy has a blue forehead (perhaps it's my third eye that looks inwards) and everyone has 10 fingers on each hand. I find it interesting that she starts with the legs and then draws the head. Then she connects them. I love that we're all sized about right, and we're all holding hands. I giggle at the fact that we only have heads and legs but I find this to be an interesting insight into how she views her world. I could see that from her perspective, always looking up at adults, these are the two things she would probably notice the most. Regardless, this is my all-time-favorite treasure. I've laminated it and hung it in my office already.

Another recent development that I've noticed is that Ellie is really good at creating patterns. One day I came to pick her up and found her surrounded by friends, all watching her put together a "swirl-er" and they were all asking questions like "How do you do that?" or "What color comes next?"

I watched her continue, responding with a proud voice "You just start in the middle and den you go out, one color at a time." A few minutes later she had completed her design and was surrounded by friends saying "ooo" and "ahhh." I loved it.

According to her teachers, she is much better at developing patterns than the other kids in her class. I wonder what this means for her future... Will she be an engineer like her mommy and daddy? Will she be an architect? An artist? Or perhaps it's just that she loves stained glass windows and how all the pieces form into a pretty picture? Regardless, I loved the look of pride that is so apparent on her face when she's surrounded by her peers and explaining how to do something really cool.

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