
Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Then and Now

Welcome back? Why thank you. I missed you too.

It was a hectic holiday for us. A time of a lot of change. Let's focus on the baby changes since I still can not talk about anything else...

Ellie is not the baby you knew from 2007. She is a completely different person! A little person! She's just amazing. All the changes stem from a few major events:

Event: Then: Now:

Standing up on furniture NO YES
Sitting up on own NO YES
Crawling NO YES
Sleeping through the night YES HELL NO

Now that she crawls, she's like a completely different person. It's like a light switch went off and suddenly she realizes that she can go places. It's been fun to see.

Sadly it seems like the price to pay for that knowledge is sleep. She is back to waking every 3 hours again... Sigh.


Anonymous said...

Amelia too! What it is UP with that? Yay Crawling and standing! Boo not sleeping through the night anymore.

Niffer said...

I don't know, but she also has started biting us and we're not sure how to fix that. This standing up thing is annoying because it pulls her further out of sleep when she does get up. UGH.

Anonymous said...

It shall pass, this roller coaster of sleep one night and none the next...Thomas is always back and forth. He has slept the past few nights for me, so Im about ready for an all nighter, where he wakes on his 3 hour shift, lol. Good luck

Niffer said...

I love it when I complain about Ellie and you almost always come back with "Yes! Thomas did that too!" but what I love about it is that your comments are always in the past tense, which implies that there is an end in sight!