
Monday, January 19, 2009

Prisoner of the potty

Not too long ago, Ellie lead me to the bathroom and asked me to "Mummy, otty". After sitting on the potty, I asked if she wanted to sit on hers. This time, though, she said "No" and left the room, closing the door behind me.

When I tried to get up to follow her, she yelled at me. "Mummy, GO!" pointing to the toilet. I walked back and sat down. She closed the door "Bye Mummy!" I waited a couple minutes and came out. "Mummy! GO!" I went back in. I waited and came back out. "Mummy, Go!" This time, I grabbed my cell phone on my way in and turned on the light (yes, I was sitting in a DARK bathroom). "NO! Lighk!" Sigh. I turned off the light and sat down on the potty. She closed the door. I texted my sister in NY to warn her that I was prisoner to the potty and for her to call for help if she didn't hear from me soon.

Of course Aunt Erin took that the wrong way and assumed the reason was something completely unrelated.

15 minutes later Ellie came and released me.

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