
Monday, April 20, 2009

Introduction to Baby

We haven't really told Ellie anything about the baby that we're expecting. We figure it won't mean much to her until it's closer and I'm showing more. We might take advantage of the 20 week ultrasound to show her, but we haven't really decided.

However, she was introduced to the concept a week and a half ago. I had some friends over, one of which is super pregnant.

Mommy: Look, Ellie, there's a baby in Kay's tummy!
Ellie: I see? (lifting Kay's shirt) Baby! (patting Kay's tummy)
Mommy: Yep, baby.
Kay: Just like Mommy. Mommy has a baby in her tummy too. (not knowing we hadn't said anything before)
Ellie: (looking confused) Baby? (patting my boob)
Mommy: Nope, not there. It's in my tummy.
Ellie: I see? (lifting Mommy's shirt)
Mommy: You want to see the baby?
Ellie: I see baby! (looking into Mommy's belly button)
Mommy: You do?
Ellie: Yeah! Hi baby!

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