
Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Poo-poo in the potty

Let's just say I'm thinking it's over-rated.

We have recently had quite a bit of success getting Ellie to use the potty. For the most part, we haven't done much because she can't be moved up to the room at daycare that has a potty (not enough space yet), so why bother?

However, I have started to ask her if she wants to go pee-pee in the potty with Mommy every morning and before bedtime. Sometimes I try around nap, but that's not quite as successful. It appears as though as long as we go together, she almost always pees. Woo hoo! Score!

This morning she took me by surprise and went poo-poo. I wasn't prepared. It wasn't a mess, thank goodness, but it also wasn't what I had in mind. I expected to be able to take her little potty seat and tilt it up-side-down to hear a nice "plop" into the big potty's water. Nope. It stuck. Yuck. Not fun.

Any suggestions on how to prevent this from happening in the future? Is there some sort of secret I'm not aware of?


Salina said...

Seems to me that you could put a little water in the potty...that's why a real toilet takes care of it. Also they have travel potty chairs and they sell bags to go with it...maybe those are an option?

melissa said...

niffer, my avid supporter, i have found your blog. eureka! and not a moment too soon!

congrats on the potty poo! i have two suggestions for you. the first will show my harsh nature, the second might be useful... eventually.

first: suck it up, sister. unless you want to start feeding the little sprite nothing but toast and rice, this is bound to happen. wipe it away with some TP, and be thankful it's not on your hands... until you wash the bowl anyway.

second: she might seem a little small for it, but if you haven't already, invest in one of the seats that sits on top of the grown up potty. it eliminates the need for elimination of the eliminated instantly!

i found we used our little kid potty a few times, but not nearly as much as we used the 'blues clues' potty seat on the grown up potty. it's a natural progression.

... and maybe the best thing i can tell you is that once this phase is over, you'll rejoice in how easy it is to forget!

all the best, my friend.

(and thanks for your thoughts on my mom. much appreciated)

mjh said...

I have good news and bad news. First the bad news. As far as I'm aware, there's not really much that you can do. Being a parent comes with some really unpleasant chores.

The good news is that, not only will you get used to it, you'll come to prefer it. Poops that are hard enough to go plop usually cause pain. And cleaning up mush is much preferable to seeing your child in that kind of pain and being helpless to do anything, or say anything that will help.

The next major bathroom milestone is wiping their own butt. From that point comes bathroom freedom, for both kid and parent.

Niffer said...


First, my reaction to Salina's comment was "DUH, Niffer!"

Second, my reaction to Melissa's comment was "Ha! I like her harsh nature. You make me laugh."

Third, my reaction to MJH's comment was "Huh. I never though of it that way."

Thanks guys!

Char said...

I'm glad to hear Ellie is doing well with the potty. Thomas has no interest at all LOL so I cannot help with how to unstick that poop but if you fin out let me know! :)

Niffer said...

Char - you've seen the answers above. I was also told about the Kalencom 2-in-1 Potette Plus (bought on Amazon) that looks useful.

spleeness said...

I'm behind on my blogs so I'm working my way down.

About this unavoidable issue: spray some pam under the seat? ;)

Heidi said...

Suck it up? LOL Too funny! Yeah, I guess that's what we do, though I couldn't have said it so eloquently myself.

When I started cloth diapering O a lot of people doubted that I'd stick with it once she progressed beyond infant poops. Dudes, I (eventually) poop trained a little boy who couldn't have cared less if there was a load in his drawers for YEARS. I'm already broken. Not so much for baby potty cleaning, but awesome for poo pants/diapers I have a magical diaper sprayer, which is more efficient and less yucky that dunking. It's also quite the conversation starter at all our parties because someone is always brave enough to ask what that thing is attached to the guest toilet. Hehe! But it sounds like you are off to a great start and I hear girls are so much easier. Ohpleaseohpleaseohplease let it be true!

Niffer said...

Stories like the one you have of Cracker potty training give me the willies. I hope you're right, that girls are easier!