If you want the short version, here is how the party started:
And here is how the party ended:
It's like a Toddler Mosh-Pit!For more details, feel free to move on. Or you could watch the videos again. That would be fun too.

Though I had an idea in my head about the order in which we would partake in the party activities, the reality was that we were dealing with a room full of toddlers. So when, after the girls got burned some energy running circles in the kitchen, Ellie said she was hungry I decided to have a snack first. AVOID ANY CHANCE OF A BREAKDOWN. I loved watching Ellie explain to her friends how to take the fruit off of the kabobs. At times she seems so confident.

After the snack, we moved to the tea table for the official tea party. And I think the girls loved being so big. I tried to get them to hold out their pinkies while drinking their tea but I think it just confused them.

By now you might have noticed that many of the girls are wearing their pretty hats that we decorated for them.

All except for my Ellie who, as I'm sure you've noticed by now, preferred a different type of hat. It's not my idea of proper tea party attire, but at least we know the gift was a hit!

After tea, we went back to the little table to decorate our purses and make necklaces. It turned out that moving back and forth kept the children pretty happy without requiring them to sit in one space for too long. I love it when things just work out.

And after hearing about how sad it was that Ellie would not be getting a cake for her birthday, the cupcake tower was a big hit. Since then, I've heard her tell many people that she got a cupcake for her birthday, of which I'm sure the image in her head was more impressive than the one most people have when they picture "a cupcake."

After cupcakes, Ellie wanted to open presents. I was actually hoping to avoid doing that while the girls were around because I'm not positive that kids this age understand why one child gets ALL the presents. However, much to my surprise, the girls were very excited when Ellie would open THEIR present. They seemed so proud of the presents they got Ellie. One little girl quietly wanted to open a bunch of the presents, but her birthday was just last week so that's an understandable mistake. =)

And finally, as a grand finale, the girls danced to the "I like to move it" song. It was a crazy crazy scene. Crazy, I tell you. Crazy.

But in the end, there is no doubt in my mind that the girls had a good time. The parents were all impressed and I heard lots of comments about how ambitious Ellie's Mommy was to take this sort of thing on. I've decided that throwing a big party was a lot of fun and I'm looking forward to future ones.
Watch out! Niffer has discovered yet another way to enjoy parenthood! We could be in trouble.
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