
Thursday, April 28, 2011


I love how Addie pats you on your head to tell you that she wants to ride on your shoulders.

When putting flower barrettes into my daughters' hair, it is required that I use every flower barrette within sight at the same time. I have to hide them ahead of time if I want to limit the number used at a time.

I love how Addie "spits" after brushing her teeth. She lays on the floor while I brush her teeth, swallows the tasty baby toothpaste, then stands up to the sink, leans over and makes a "pa" sound to spit. Good job, baby!

I love how when Ellie was telling me about how much fun it was to help Gramma plant strawberry plants, Addie just nodded her head in agreement with every sentence her big sister said.

I love how Addie will play hide and seak in a restaurant, while holding a balloon. the result is that she hides behind a booth and you can still see her balloon floating above her. You say "where is Addie?" and you can hear a giggle coming from beneath the balloon.

I think it's hilarious that my girls love to wear hats. As long as they're my hats. They refuse to wear hats that actually fit.

Both of my girls LOVE to eat ice. They get it from their Daddy.

I love how as soon as you get a child naked, they can't help but run around squeeling with delight.

I love how brave Addie is. She even goes head first down the slide with no second guessing. Ok... perhaps that's not the best thing after all. But she's brave!

I love how Ellie will offer to let you wear her super soft shirt with her. We haven't figured out how to accomplish that yet, but at least she's nice enough to offer.

I love that when Addie is all tucked in for bed, you can ask her "Can I have a kiss?" and she nods her head, removes her pacifier and puckers up for a kiss. Afterwards, she plops her pacifier back and and closes her eyes.

I love that after falling from a swing Addie, while crying, decides she knows the solution. We walked across the park to get Bun Bun Bear, walked back to the swing, crying all the way there and back. But then she stopped crying, and got right back on the swing, only this time Bun Bun Bear was with her. And she was ready to go.

I love how whenever Addie sees a dog or a cat, she quietly (and with a sing-song voice) says "Hiii!!!" and waves.

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