
Tuesday, February 27, 2007

And I shall call you Doula!

I was going to tell you about my doula in my last post, but I found myself rambling on so much before the topic ever actually came up that I decided to give you a breather for a day or so before telling you about her.

When I asked my midwife if she would recommend me getting a doula, she could barely contain her excitement and jumped up to get me the information of an excellent doula.

Her name is Nancy and when I called her, I had no idea of what questions to ask. Luckily for me, she was amazing (much like a couple of the experienced daycare providers I talked to earlier) because she controlled the conversation. She had all sorts of questions to ask me, which gave me ideas for questions to ask other doulas. I knew I liked her right away, but sadly she was not available because she would be out of town around my due date.

I was heartbroken. It sucks to find someone you know you love right off the bat and then find out you have to go find someone else who you know just won't compare. Not only was she incredibly friendly, but she has lots of experience, is an RN, but she doesn't cost much either (as I learned later). My search for a doula, in a nutshell resulted in two types of doulas:

1. Super experienced, friendly and great like Nancy, but super pricey! Easily 50% to 80% more than what Nancy charges!

2. Less experienced, though still friendly, doulas who just lacked the same feeling of professionalism. Surprisingly, though cheaper than most, they were often still more expensive than Nancy!

Nancy! I love you! Come back to me! I need you!

(time passes)

Hey look at that! I have a voice mail! Oh my gosh! It's from Nancy! Oh my gosh! Do you think she misses me too?

Apparently Nancy was able to convince her partner to back her up during the days that she's out of town and if I'm willing to still take her knowing that she's going to be gone April 18-21 (my due date is April 21) then she would be available. Sold! To the lady on the phone!

The way I see it... she's out of town for a total of 4 days, and those four days are before my due date. I've been told and have read that most first-time babies are born after their due dates and that the typical range of births lasts +/- 10 days of the due date. 4 days out of 20 really isn't that much, is it? And chances are I'll be late since it's my first baby and the baby is small, right? Isn't Nancy's experience (not to mention low price) worth the risk? Besides, it's not like I'd be left alone if I do go into labor while she's gone, since one of her partners would back her up. So... the decision was made.

I felt so silly calling her back to tell her because I was so excited and anxious that you'd think I was calling a boy for a first date or something. Michael laughed at me. I can't say I blame him. In fact, I even forgot to ask her the questions I intended to ask (ie more information about her partners). I was just so giddy knowing that she was available after all! We have our first date tomorrow evening. Wish me luck!

I'm so excited ... and you will be my Doula and I shall call you Doula!


Anonymous said...

I think that's terrific! I used to want to be a doula. I read a book that Cheryl recommended call "Midwives" and I absolutely fell in love with the idea of midwives and doulas and their philosophy about the whole birthing process. Very touching. Very un-hollywood. Any ways.. I think its great choice!
- Jenny
(don't remember my login so I'm going to be anonymous for now! :) )

Niffer said...

I've learned recently that people's perception of midwives varies drastically. Apparently when people think of "midwife" they envision a birth like you'd see on Little House on the Prarie. That's more along the lines of what a doula does. However, my midwife is a Certified Nurse so she's medically trained to do everything a doctor can do, with the exception of performing surgery.

I agree with you, though, the whole concept of a doula has struck a cord in me as well. I wouldn't be surprised (assuming things go well) if it ends up being a profession that calls to me as well (you know, when I'm done with this engineering gig).

Anonymous said...

Wait... so your midwife isn't going to give you whiskey during labor and let you bite down on a piece of wood? What a rip!

Niffer said...

hehehe... Now that I think about it... I should demand my money back!