Today's email topic being sent around a Mommy Support Group (which, btw, I did not start)is about alternative phrases for "Fart".
So far in the list:
- Toot (This reminds me of a certain friend of mine)
- Woofer (I'll be honest, that came from me. Well, really my mom's word)
- Poof (hehehe... adorable. Imagine a toddler saying this)
- There's a moose loose (again, that came from me, only this time it was my dad's)
- Bung Pwee (Taiwanese)
- Having gas (boring)
- Bottom bubbles (I love this one! You can't turn a fart into anything much cuter than bottom bubbles)
I also recall a certain someone who used to pretend to have a conversation with God whenever she had gas. "Yes, Lord? You want me to do what? Right now? Right here? Well, they're not going to like it!"
Yep. This is my life.
Another suggestion: Air Potty.
Ha! Ha! Ha!
my grandfather always used to call it a boopze.
i boopzed, i'm going to boopze...
:) Joey
"oops, there must be a barking spider (nearby)"
"stepping on a duck"
"playing the pants tuba"
Hahaha, another mom says:
You could always just make up your own word, or use a code word. Ours was, for some reason, "banjo."
Another Mom says:
my friend with family in the UK call it fluff
Dude, I love poof! That is awesome!
We use toot, or rather I use toot. The Cracker now mostly says fart followed by hysterical laughter. Ahh...the good old days.
I think Poof is my favorite so far.
What about "burp in your bottom"?
First of all, *you're* the one who tooted. I don't know whether to be flattered or slightly embarrassed that it ALWAYS reminds you of me!
Secondly, I like either fluff or poof. My family said pooter, but I always hated it.
Ok, hopefully this will be my last update... but the others that came across email are:
Popped a bunny
Toot Newt
I think my favorites are fluff and poof. "Sorry, Mom, I just fluffed." LOL.
Holy cow...I laughed so hard through this entire post and comments. So funny! Anyway, my college roommate and I called it "shooting a bunny," and my nephews call it tooting, with the tooter being called Toots McGinty (which my sister made up). My hubby always says "Did you hear that duck?" I don't know why, but this subject is always so hilarious! I did like "bottom bubbles." :)
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