Mommy: Ok, Addie, come lay down here and we'll get you dressed.
Addie: Ginker Ginker gurn?
Mommy: Oh, is it Tinkerbell's turn first?
Addie: Yeah.
Mommy: Ok, come lay down with her too. Let's change your diaper.
Addie: Ginker Ginker diaper.
Mommy: You want Tinkerbell to have a diaper too?
Addie: Yeah!
Mommy: Tinkerbell doesn't need a diaper. Tinkerbell is a big girl and goes pee pee on the potty.
Addie: Aye-yines gurn go pee pee potty?
Mommy: You want to go pee pee on the potty with Tinkerbell?
Addie: Yeah!
And so we did, we sat Tinkerbell on the baby potty and Addie sat on the toilet and did her stuff. It was awesome. Some day soon. Some day soon.
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