
Friday, September 12, 2008


Mommy: Ellie, where's your nose?
Ellie: (points to her nose)
Mommy: Good job! Where's your ears?
Ellie: (points to her ears)
Mommy: Wow! Where's your hair?
Ellie: (points to her hair)
Mommy: You're so smart! Where's your mouth?
Ellie: (points to her mouth)
Mommy: Where are your eyes?
Ellie: (points to her eyes)
Mommy: Hmmm... What else?
Ellie: (reaches over and touches Mommy's eyelashes) Eh?
Mommy: Eyelashes?
Ellie: (with a super happy look of accomplishment on her face, continues to touch Mommy's eyelashes and every time Mommy says "eyelashes" she smiles and/or laughs)

Amazing. She totally got her point across and accomplished her desire to learn.


Anonymous said...

Cute! Sounds like Ellie is doing great. Lucas is speed-crawling these days and cruising the furniture but not quite walking. He's doing great though as well.

Also, happy anniversary! Hope you guys had fun in Vegas.

PS Those are some great photos in your "Treasure" album. You guys have been all over! Austria is the next European destination on my list...

Anonymous said...


I love all the great pictures! Man, she is growing up so fast. She looks so much like you, Jen. Such a cutie.

Hope you had fun in Vegas, Baby. I tried calling you, and as I expected (since you said you were getting a new number) I got a disconnection voicemail. What's your new number? I sent you an e-mail about flowers.. did you get it? If so, are you interested?

Sorry I missed you the other week. Thanks for understanding though. Things have been crazy, but are finally dying down. Love you much.


Niffer said...

Thanks for the compliments. I always like hearing that she looks like me because I just don't see it.

I'm so glad to hear that Lucas is doing well! Is he still tall? Ellie is quite tall - taller than many who are 6 months older than her. I don't know where she gets it from, but I wish she would stay small!