
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day

Last night we made Valentine's Day cards for school. Addie and Daddy practiced spelling her name. It made us realize we ought to start doing that soon, but Addie already does a decent job of recognizing her letters. She had fun...

... but not as much fun as Ellie did. Ellie shocked her parents by being able to read every name off of her list of friends. Crazy! She then diligently went through the names and picked the perfect card for each friend.

Mommy: Which one do you think Ella will like?
Ellie: Oh, she really does love flowers and her favorite color is purple. It really is.
Mommy: Ok, so this one is perfect for her.
Ellie: What does dis one say?
Mommy: You're wild!
Ellie: What does wild mean?
Mommy: It means you have lots of energy and love to run around.
Ellie: Oh, Michael loves to run around. He really does. He loves doing that more than anything. He loves to run around until the teachers tell him to stop.
Ellie: Where is da running card? Charlie loves to run like Michael.
Mommy: Hmmm... I don't think we have any left. We have "You're brilliant," "You're great," and "You're fun."
Ellie: Oh! Charlie is really great at running. He really is. He runs a lot.
Ellie: What does this one say?
Mommy: You're sweet.
Ellie: Paige is really sweet. She really is.
Mommy: We have "You're brilliant" and "You're fun."
Ellie: What does brilliant mean?
Mommy: It means you're really smart.
Ellie: Piper is really smart. She really is.

Ah, you have to smile at how she thought every one through and insisted that each friend really was as the card said. Too cute.

And in the end, we had a bunch of cards... all written completely by Ellie without much help from me. Sigh. She's growing up way too quick.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Haven't read your posts for quite awhile since not on Facebook, but all, as usual, just great. AND, the wordless wednesdays . . . . . didn't realize how much I missed them!!! Keep up the good work, dear Jen! Angie