
Tuesday, April 10, 2012


These last couple of weeks have been strange to me. On one hand they've been difficult with the combination of the girls being sick and what can only be explained as my sweet Addie proving to me that she is indeed 2 years old. On the other hand, it seems that I have been bombarded with other stories and events that just make me stop and realize how lucky I really am.

I am thankful to not have to be the mother of a 5 year old struggling with cancer.

I am thankful to not be the mother of a healthy baby one day but a victim of shaken baby syndrome the next.

I am thankful to not be the mother of a child suffering from injuries in a freak accident.

I am thankful to not have to watch my child's abilities and personality slowly deteriorate over time.

Heck, I'm thankful to have children at all. Some people don't.

I am thankful that my marriage is healthy and I am still very much in love with a wonderful man who is a wonderful daddy.

I am thankful that, though we're not rich, money is not a daily concern of survival.

I am thankful to not be the one who just lost her soul mate in a bad car accident.

I am thankful that my sister and I are really close.

I am thankful that I have an outlet for my time and creativity that puts a smile on people's faces every day.

I am thankful that my hobby allows me to help those in need in an easier fashion than ever before.

I am thankful to live in a beautiful place, yet I haven't had to worry about tornadoes or wildfires sweeping away my house.

I am thankful that though we've been bombarded with house maintanence bills, we are able to pay them.

I am thankful for my few good friends, near and far.

I am thankful that my husband and I do not have debt to pay off.

I am thankful to not have any tramatic childhood events to recover from.

I am thankful that even though my children challenge me, they are well behaved beautifully polite young girls who go out of their way to try to cheer people up.

Today I am thankful. It may be a bit out-of-season, but something needed to be said.

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