
Friday, December 21, 2012

Have you heard the story about...

Have you heard the story about the flower?

"How the flowwr groow" by Ellie
Translation:  "How the Flower Grew" by Ellie.

Was upon tim there was a grl she plantid a flour
Translation:  Once upon a time there was a girl.  She planted a flower.

iT groow and groow in tll It was as Big as a jiwint
Translation:  It grew and grew until it was as big as a giant.

thE End
Translation not needed.

Have you heard the one about the rabbit?

Who is painting the rabbit!
It is me!

Hehehehe...  that's a good one.

I also like the one about the animals.

"A Book Bowt Anmos." ilshtradid by Ellie
Translation:  "A Book About Animals"  Illustrated (wow that's a big word) by Ellie

this mout liwin is skard
Translation:  This mountain lion is scared.

tihs Big Felo is not skard
Translation:  This big fellow is not scared.

this Elfit is vare high
Tranlation:  This elephant is very high.

But my favorite book of all time?  It has to be the one about the dragon.

"Spooky Fun!" by Ellie

There was a dragon who was friends with Riley.

One day dragon became a scary dragon.
(I love the angry look on the dragon's face and the fact that Riley is screaming "Aaaaa")

The boy laughed the dragon did not look scary.

The dragon was sad, but the boy made him laugh.
(Awww, the dragon is crying "waaaa" and Riley says "I am sorry.")

The end.
(I love that they fly off into the sunset.  "Bye!")

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