
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Uncle David & Aunt Brandy's Wedding

Last Friday Uncle David got married. The sun came out for the wedding and went back behind the clouds afterwards. It was perfect.

I thought it was such a pretty venue for a wedding. It made me want to redo my wedding and have an outdoor one!

I'd also redo the guest book. LOVE IT.

The girls loved the joyous occasion and they dressed in their best, complete with heart braids in their hair. I do believe just about everyone at the wedding commented on their hair.

Such a simple wedding, yet it was so stunning all the same.

And along with Brandy, her daughter Haydn is now a part of the family. Isn't she purty?

Afterwards the party began. I got a kick out of watching these girls dance with each other. They had so much fun, and it didn't surprise me one bit that it was Ellie who led the way.

What did surprise me, though, was this dancing princess. She danced her little booty off and was dancing far more than anyone else at the party. I believe she danced just about every song and enjoyed shaking her booty with the grown-ups even if she didn't know any of them. It is so strange to me to be related to such a free spirit. Are we certain she came from my tummy????

And of course the obligatory photo of a girl dancing with her Daddy...

... these always make my heart feel like it is about to burst.

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