
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Comparing Weekend Notes

Mommy and Daddy went out of town last weekend and I must say that the girls are way too easy to miss these days. When we got back home, though, it was well worth the time apart. The first thing out of little Addie's mouth was "How was your trip?" It wasn't "Did you bring us anything?" or "Let me tell you about my week." That girl has an incredible ability to simply care about other people.

Ellie and I had a fantastic bonding session where we told each other about our weekends. She told me all about her weekend at Harry Potter camp and how her team (the Hufflepuffs) won the championship by getting the most points. They played Quittich and learned how to do magic through science. She had a blast.

Then it was my turn. I told her how nice it was to finally meet some of my friends and how fun it was to see so many people so excited to help other people get healthy. It felt like a grown-up conversation with lots of give and take. She was just as excited and interested in hearing about my weekend as I was with hers.

I don't think I've mentioned this recently, but it sure has crossed my mind a lot... I am LOVING this age.

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