
Monday, October 23, 2006

Is it the baby or just gas?

I just got off the phone with my mom and she said that I will probably feel the baby kick soon and that I should call her as soon as I do. So soon? Is she crazy?

Needless to say, I looked it up on the internet. Really, how *did* expecting mothers survive without the internet?? Anyway, apparently most first time mothers don't feel the baby kick until 16-22 weeks into the pregnancy (and I'm at 14). Women who have been pregnant before tend to feel their baby kick earlier because they already know the difference between how it feels when their tummy grumbles from gas and when their baby kicks.

Taken from one of many pregnancy sites:
"Women have described the sensation as being like popcorn popping, a goldfish swimming around, or butterflies fluttering. You'll probably chalk up those first gentle taps or swishes in your belly to gas or hunger pains, but once you start feeling them more regularly, you'll recognize the difference."

This really has me wondering. I do recall thinking "huh... My tummy SURE is grumbling funny." Do you think it could be the baby? I guess I will have to pay more attention to it and not automatically assume it's gas. LOL.

And of course, now that I'm paying close attention to it, my tummy has decided to be particularly uneventful.


Anonymous said...

Hi Jen, Do you read comments? Do other people read comments? I really enjoy your blog. You are a good writer, cute and sweet - just like you in real life. Just wanted to put in my two cents. It's the baby!!!! Everyone thinks it's gas, but it's the baby!!! Whoo Hoo
Love you,

Niffer said...

Ah shucks, thanks! To answer your question, yes of course I read comments (the few that I get)! They remind me that people are reading what I write (though I know they're out there!).

I haven't felt my tummy since writing this. I think the fact that I'm now paying attention to it has either intimidated the baby or had scared off the tummy grumbling. =)