
Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Where's the love?

In recent days/weeks, I have experienced a few changes that I have no option but to blame on the pregnancy.

First of all, I have become a forgetful person. I lost 2 or 3 articles of clothing while in Paris (including my sister's jean jacket - I'll buy you a new one if you want). This is NOT like me, but I've already warned Michael about it. Maybe I should warn others as well. It might be nice to have an excuse for "forgetting" to do something at work. :P

Secondly, I have become quite emotional. Upon my return from Paris, I walked into a coworker's office to catch up with him. He said "So, how was Paris?" and I responded by starting to cry. Oh, Paris was great! So why the hell was I crying? Beats me. Surprisingly, he was one of the few people who didn't already know about me being pregnant, but that conversation certainly gave it away.

Thirdly, dry skin. Everywhere. I hate it. Last night my legs were so itchy that I made them hurt from scratching so much. Even after putting on lotion I could barely stay still to fall asleep. Ugh.

But as much as I complain, I find that I don't get much sympathy. "But, why?" you might ask. Lucky me... I haven't been very sick. I had a couple brief episodes where I was able to force myself to sleep through it, and then there was the plane landing in Chicago where I hurt my mom's feelings for telling her I just didn't want to talk because I felt like I was going to be sick. But apparently a couple episodes aren't enough to warrant real sympathy. I've talked to other women who have had such bad pregnancies and were so sick during their pregnancies. One coworker of mine even strongly considered adopting her second child because she was so miserable during her 9 months with the first.

So, though I have my own frustrations, it comes down to me not really having much to complain about. And now that I have made it through my first trimester, chance of me being sick are slim. I may lose my mind and forget who I am, but I won't be nauseous! Woohoo!

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