
Friday, December 08, 2006

It Just Will Not Do

I started writing a post this morning that, sadly, I can not finish for quite sometime (I'm not-so-patientily waiting for pictures). However, in starting to write it, I quickly realized that something has to be done about this "he", "she" and "it" nonsense when talking about my baby.

Since I do not know the gender, and I am getting further along in the pregnancy, I hesitate in writing "he" or "she". I do not want one of my readers (I love that I have readers!) to see something on my blog and then run off telling everyone "It's a boy!" or "She found out it's a girl!" when indeed I have done no such thing.

On the other hand, I refuse to call my baby "it" just to keep the crazyness to a minimum. "It" is so dang impersonal!

The solution? I'm going to follow the examples I've seen in my Baby-gami* and Baby Sign Language books. The author always uses "he" or "she" when talking about the baby and just assumes that the reader is smart enough to make the mental change to apply to their own baby as necessary. So, let it be known that from this moment on I will refer to my baby as "he" at times and as "she" at times. No jumping to conclusions without my permission**!

* Baby-gami: The art of wrapping a baby. hehehe... cute book title.

** Though Michael tells me to request that my readers (hehehe, there it is again, readers) inform me if I start to always refer to the baby as a girl or boy, instead of a nice mix of both.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

One of the cool things about reading your blog is the long-forgotten errant memories of my own pregnancy that surface. We called the Bob, "Thumper" before he was born. The kid had some big feet...Wausau