
Friday, July 06, 2007


The craziest thing just happened and if it weren't for the fact that my mother-in-law witnessed it, herself, I would think I imagined the whole thing.

I had the best conversation with my baby just now. We were putting her to sleep, and going through our bedtime routine where I put her onto the changing table and play with her a little. We go through our Counting Kisses and I do a couple This Little Piggies. Then we usually have our deep conversation full of coos and uhs.

This time... I said "HI!" much like I usually do...
In response, my baby said "HI."

I kid you not. I swear to god. It was a very clear, very distinct, "HI".

And it freaked me out. I'm not claiming that it was her first word (though I did joke about how HI would most likely be her first word just because for the longest time, that was all I could think of to say to her). I know that it was just her imitating me, but not only was it the first time she's ever imitated me, but it just so happened to be a grown-up word! Can you imagine my shock? It was the last thing I expected to hear from her.

Not to worry, though, I think it will be a while before she says HI again because I think my shocked reaction scared her. Poor thing might have thought she did something wrong because I gasped so loud. Sigh. Oh well, maybe next time I'll have the grace and self control to keep a smile on my face to encourage her... then do my gasps later when I'm telling Michael about what happened.

You have no idea how bizarre it was to hear a 2 month old baby say "HI." It gives me goose bumps just thinking about it.

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