
Monday, August 30, 2010

Tid-Bits XV

I love how when Addie is sleepy she will play for a couple minutes and then lay her head down on the floor, pillow, or most likely my lap or chest, for 10 seconds and then get up as if refreshed and ready to play again.

I love how Ellie looks at her Bun Bun with such adoration and tenderness when she pretends that Bun Bun is her baby. One - it shows how sweet Ellie is and Two - it shows how she views I am with Addie. Both good.

The other day while Ellie was pretending to tell a story (I have no clue what it was about) and ended the story with "and Mommy specially loves you." Specially. I love it.

I love how Addie bobs up and down to the beat of the music when you put her behind the wheel of the car. She already knows how to rock it.

I love how Addie seems to give me huge kisses as her way of telling me that she wants to be breast fed.

From the mouth of Ellie, Unicorn helps out - "I have magination (imagination) in my tummy so dat means I can help you!"

I love Ellie's emerging sense of humor... "Would (wouldn't) it be funny if I don't have PJs all day long?" or "Would it be funny if I had a bed up dere (pointing to the ceiling)?" or "Would it be funny if turtles could fly?" or "Would it be funny if a cat got a haircut, without fuzz?" Always expecting me to say something like "Oh my gosh! That would be pretty silly!" and she would confirm with "Yeah!"

I love how instead of saying "How cool is that?" Ellie shortens it to "Cool is dat?"

When making a tower of blocks (complete with staircase) for Addie to knock down, Ellie said "Why do we need stairs? So the prince and princess go down when dey are done singing."

I love that Addie now shares with you. She gives you her pacifier, food, cups, spoons... all with a friendly "Eh?"

Addie has said her first wordish wordful type sound... Daw-da. But it's said in a VERY "DOGGIE!!!" sort of way.


Populus Es Bardus said...

It always amazes me the way you put all of the tidbits together and paint a beautiful picture of your children.

Niffer said...

Thanks, Reed. My Tid-Bits posts are all just one-liners that I think of and write down. Once I feel like the list is long enough, I publish it. I've already found myself going back and reading them to remind myself of the simplest memories that I've already forgotten.