
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Ellie saves the world

While eating dinner the other day, Ellie picked up a piece of junk mail that had a picture of a girl hugging her cow and asked me to read it to her. It was a brochure for a charity I once donated to. In a nutshell it's a charity that allows you to buy animals for families in third world countries. The animals change their lives for the better, allowing families to provide more for themselves than before.

Mommy: You can buy a girl a cow!
Ellie: But why?
Mommy: So that she has milk to drink because she doesn't have enough money to buy milk from the store.
Ellie: Oh. And what's dis? A chicken?
Mommy: Yep, if you buy a chicken for a child it would give her family eggs to eat. See here? It says this girl has NEVER had an egg before. Can you imagine???
Ellie: No! I just had an egg yesterday!
Mommy: So is this something you'd like to do? Would you like to help another little girl with something she doesn't have enough money for?
Ellie: I sure do want to do dat! I RE-AH DO!!!
Mommy: That would be such a nice thing for you to do!
Ellie: I KNOW!
Mommy: Ok... look at all these pictures of animals and you pick which one you want to buy.
Ellie: And I buy wif my own money because dis girl doesn't have nough money, right?
Mommy: Right. Do you want to get her a cow so that she can drink milk? Or chickens to give her eggs? Or a donkey so she can have a ride to school?
Ellie: Ummm... let me see... Oh I know! I want to buy one of dese! We have one of dese in our classroom and his name is Cocoa! He's funny and soft and squeaks!

I looked to see what she was pointing to... guinea pigs. GUINEA PIGS!!!

Ellie: Can I buy one of dem for a girl who doesn't have nuff money?
Mommy: Sure! That would be super nice of you!
Ellie: And den she can take it to school wif her and show her teachers!

Then Daddy came in...

Mommy: Look what Ellie wants to buy for a child in need...
Daddy: A guinea pig? What's that for?
Mommy: (points to the words in the brochure)
Daddy: Oh! Protein!?
Mommy: Yeah, isn't that nice of Ellie?
Daddy: Umm... yeah.
Ellie: And den dey can hold dem in dere hands and take them to school wif dem!

We didn't have the heart to explain it to her, so we're buying guinea pigs! Guinea pigs to save the world from lack of protein. Yeah, baby!


Populus Es Bardus said...

Nothing says protein like Italian Bacon.

Char said...

Awww!! Love Ellie!!!

Katie said...

Oh, my! I never would have guessed. But I guess they breed them, to have a continuous source of protein? So maybe the lucky recipient will get to carry the originals around after all. :-)