
Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Update... if you can call it that

Once again my appointment this week wasn't very exciting. I have a text-book pregnancy (with the exception of the false scare for needing to do the extended glucose tolerance test), which I'm not complaining about. But when I go into my weekly appointments, it means that not much is said.

"Still looks good."
"All we can do is sit back and wait."
"We're on auto-pilot from here."
"Your weight gain is good."
"Heart beat looks good."
"Baby is still growing."
"Is the weather still cold outside?"

However, if you really want an update... My baby has decided to be a boy. Up until appointment last week, Baby had a high heart rate, which had the midwives predicting a girl. Last week and this week, the heart rate has been lower, so Baby is now a boy. Hehehe... I know you can never tell (I've heard a lot of exceptions to every prediction method, heart rates included), but that's the best I can come up with for an update.

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