
Monday, June 02, 2008

Someone let the air out

Imagine two big balloons. Imagine letting them go and they fly around, every which direction as the air escapes. In the end, you're left with two floppy balloons, barely able to keep a shape of their own.

That's how I feel. It's been exactly two weeks since I quit breast feeding my not-so-little little one. And tonight I am almost, but not quite, completely lump-free. Who would have thought that it would take TWO FREAKIN' WEEKS!! to return to normal?

"Return to normal?" That's a strange thought. My mom tells me that she went flat after breast feeding my sister. I can relate. I definitely look down at myself and wonder what the hell happened. Where did they go? Anyone down there? Hello?

However, my sweet husband assures me that I am still sexy even though I'm flat chested and have grey hair (that's for another day... or maybe never at all). He also claims that I have just returned to the size I was before getting pregnant. How is that possible? Seriously?

I guess he has a point, though. Afterall, my old bras still fit me and are still just as uncomfortable as they were years ago. Think about that comment. Years ago. It has been almost two years since I have been this small. Isn't that a crazy thought! It's been two years since before I was pregnant!!!

I wonder if that's all there is to it. Maybe I am not so small after all. I am just accustomed to being so freaking big. Maybe my mom didn't go flat after breast feeding either. Maybe she just got accustomed to being larger as well.

Umm... Nope. That's not it. These two just aren't the same as they used to be. I no longer have the breasts of a younger lady. I have the breasts of a mother. I am honored.

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