
Thursday, July 17, 2008

Ellie Belly at Daycare II

Most importantly, this morning Ellie waved bye-bye to me for the first time. Oh man, she changes so quickly!

More stories to share about my precious little one...

Ellie's best friend started crying one day. She was laying on the floor, quite upset. Ellie walked up to her, laid down next to her and put her arm on her friend's back, almost as though to say "I don't know how I can help, but I'm here."

Ellie has found a new love for art. Though her teacher wasn't planning on having an art session one day, Ellie walked up to a previous piece of work she had done and pointed excitedly at it. Then she ran across the room to the art table and pointed there. "This is what I want to do now and this is where I want to do it." The result was a great picture of purple and green hand-prints!


Anonymous said...

What a sweet and compassionate little girl! Not even all adults are capable of displaying empathy like that. Very touching to picture.

Niffer said...

I'll be honest, sometimes it's difficult for me to imagine her being so compassionate but I guess that's to be expected from me. What I mean by that is that since I am Mommy, I rarely see the compassionate side of her because she is on her worst, grumpy, needy behavoir around me. It's like I need to charge her batteries and then she can go off and be sweet. Did that make sense? Maybe I should stop talking now.