
Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Home Decorator

We went to Oklahoma last weekend for the 4th and had a lot of fun visiting Pappy. While I was in the laundry room trying to help fold some sheets, Ellie found a set of 8 placemats. They were red on one side and black on the other. She grabbed the first one and left the room only to come back empty handed. She grabbed the next one and left the room only to come back empty handed. This continued until she had no more placemats. "What the heck is she doing with them?" I wondered. As you can see, she was decorating the hallway! Note the relative equal distance between the mats. Note the fact that they all have the black side up. Obviously she thought this went better with the rest of the decor than the red. When I turned one over, she politely went to it and turned it back to black, then stood and proudly looked at her masterpiece.

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