
Thursday, November 13, 2008

Printing my blog?

MJH, Little Bits o'Cracker, Squares Cubed and Spleeness, maybe even Dan G -

You guys have blogs. Duh. Do you know of a good and easy way to print out a blog? I've been trying to print my earlier posts into a book but with no luck. I was hoping to use Blurb, but their "slurp" function doesn't work with blogger. The only thing I've found so far is the good old fashioned cut and paste. What a pain!


Heidi said...

Haven't tried, but let me know if you find something that works.

Jason said...

I've also been thinking that an easy way to save stuff locally (or to print it out) would be great...just in case the site ever poofed. But I figured it was going to entail an evening of cut/paste.

Anonymous said...

Hmm, good question. I just tried to look this up because I like the idea but didn't find much. It looks like some people are turning this into a business: book my blog. I haven't tried them though so not sure about the service or fees. The idea is compelling though.

Niffer said...

Wow! $100!!! I was hoping for more like $20 - $30. LOL. Cut and pasting is beginning to look better and better.