A couple days before Halloween, we got together with our little friend Brason to carve pumpkins. Ellie picked out two pumpkins herself and was very proud of picking very good ones. She wanted to make one a happy pumpkin and one a sad pumpkin . When I asked her why the sad pumpkin was sad, her response was "Because he lost his Mommy." When I asked her why the happy pumpkin was happy, she said "Because he already found his Mommy." I guess that's proof for what I said the other day about her biggest fear being losing me. It's a little heartbreaking and has actually caused me to dream about it, but let's not go there.
Eventually we went back home and the girls had a piece of candy before Brynn went home. Then we stayed up a little late to answer the door when other trick-or-treaters came by.
But... What's scarier than a guy dressed up in a Scream Maskwandering around your neighborhood in the dark? How about a guy dressed up in a Scream Mask who knows where you live AND knows your name??? When he came ringing the doorbell, and sweet Ellie opened the door... there he was and he said "Hi Ellie!" I'm not sure anyone could have crossed the room so quickly. The boy felt bad and took off his mask and we showed Ellie that it was just a boy in a costume. We then had to spend the rest of the evening trying to explain why a boy would do that. We'd say "sometimes boys like to dress up in scary costumes" and she'd plead "but why? Why scary costume?" Boys are just weird, I suppose.
So, there you have it... Ellie's first real Trick-or-Treating Halloween. At least we got great pictures.
And for your viewing pleasure, I'll post another entry with pictures of my girls.
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