
Wednesday, March 10, 2010

I feel a change in the air

And I'm not talking about the spring weather that my entire body has been aching to see. No, I'm talking about the fact that most of my stories are about Ellie and few of them are about Addie.

We've considered ourselves very lucky that Ellie never seemed to experience any major "terrible twos" stage. She's always been just so much fun and pleasant. We've also always been able to explain things to her before she's ever had a meltdown.

However I've heard from many other parents that if the Twos are pleasant then they make up for it when they're Three. They call it the "Terrible Twos" because they don't have a similar cute name for what happens during the Threes. I'm beginning to fear that this is happening to us.

Ellie is still cute as all heck but for the last week or so she's been having many more meltdowns than usual. She's also been more confrontational than usual. At first we thought it was because she was sick but it's been over a week now. I hope I'm not jinxing it by saying this but I kind of fear the Ellie that *could* be.

On a happier note, Addie is simply adorable and smiles tons... so maybe I'll focus on her for a change.

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