
Friday, May 21, 2010

May I have a tissue?

Salina's Tissue Post reminded me of this one...

Ellie: Mommy, can I have a tissue please?
Mommy: Sure (handing her a tissue).
Ellie: Can I have a tissue?
Mommy: Sure (here's another).
Ellie: Can I have anoder tissue?
Mommy: Here, take a whole roll of toilet paper and then you can get your own tissue whenever you want it. I'll be right back.

(You see where this is going...)

(Mommy returns to find the toilet paper roll had fallen off the bed and Ellie was trying to pull it back onto the bed. Of course, meanwhile the mound of unraveled paper on the floor keeps getting bigger and bigger)
Ellie: I can't get it!... Oh, wait dere! I got it!
Mommy: Uh, not really.
Ellie: Oh oh! Da toilet paper is all gone! Mommy, can I have anoder tissue?

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