
Thursday, July 08, 2010

Ellie's first fireworks

This is actually a story told to me by my husband (so excuse me if I paraphrase or get the exact words wrong - Michael, feel free to add to the list and I'll edit my post). I wish I had been a part of it, but I had to go home early to allow Addie to sleep at a decent time. However, Ellie stayed at the BBQ with Daddy, Nana and Grandpa. We made a big deal out of the fact that it would be a really special treat for her to stay up past her bed time so that she could see the fireworks. Unfortunately it rained most of the evening, though they were lucky enough to steal a concession tent to hide under. The fireworks were scheduled for 9:30 (Ellie's normal bedtime is 8:00) but they didn't start until around 10:00.

While waiting for them to start, here is a sampling of their conversation:

Ellie: I'm so tired. Can I go to sleep, Daddy? For a couple of mindents?

Ellie: We can wait for the fireworks for a couple more mindents. If dey don't come in a couple more mindents den we can go home. I will tell you when a couple more mindents is up. OK?

Daddy: I hope the fireworks will come soon!
Ellie: NO! Don't say dat! If you say dat den dey won't come!

Apparently once the fireworks started, Ellie was in complete awe for about 5 minutes, at which point Daddy asked her if she was ok. That only opened the flood gates and she talked non-stop for the rest of the evening:

Ellie: Dose people over dere are sad because dey are cold.
Daddy: That's because they're getting wet from the rain.
Ellie: Dey are sad but it's ok because the fireworks are pretty!

Ellie: I'm going to tell Brynn about the fireworks. And Miss Stacey. And Miss Kim. And Mommy. And Add-line. And Gramma. And... And...

Once they got home, Ellie told me all about the fireworks:

Ellie: I just get scared and Bun Bun will keep me safe. I just told Nana dat Bun Bun will keep us safe.

Ellie: It was cold but I stayed up all by myself!

Ellie: And dere were blue ones and red ones and white ones and green ones and blue ones and green ones and lellow ones and white ones and red ones and lellow ones and blue ones and green ones... and... and... yeah.

Ellie: And den we saw lots and lots of dem at the same time and dat means it was over.

Ellie: And when da people cheer, dat means it is over.

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