
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Big Sister Quote of the Day

Ok, it's more of a quote relating to the love she has for her entire family, but it still counts...

Ellie: Hey look! Dat light has a rainbow on it.
Mommy: Oh, yeah. That's because there is fog on your window.
Ellie: There is anoder one!
Mommy: The fog makes the lights look like they have rainbows.
Ellie: And da rainbows stink of Addie, you and Daddy.
Mommy: Aww... the rainbows make you think of us?
Ellie: Yeah! Da rainbows stink of Addie, you and Daddy... and me too!
Mommy: You too, huh?
Ellie: Yeah because I love Addie, you and Daddy... and me too!


Angie said...

Oh, how awesome . . . . . . .

Julia said...

Sweet heart!