
Thursday, June 23, 2011

My Superstar Hero

I realize that, for the most part, my blog has recently been filled with "awww" moments instead of funny ones. I am thinking that Ellie has left the stage of her life where she says funny things on a daily basis. I think she just understands the world around her enough to not make those silly little mistakes in her everyday conversation that get the grown-ups chuckling.

Instead her sweetness is starting to shine through more and more. She really is a very considerate little girl, one who is most often confident and outgoing. Every now and then, though, her vulnerability peaks through. For example, the other day we met a little girl in the locker room and Ellie shyly asked me if I would ask her if she wanted to be Ellie's friend. I was shocked by her sudden vulnerability, or perhaps it was my own past sneaking up on me? Either way I was touched by her sweet innocence. "Mommy, can you ask her if she wants to be my friend?" Sigh.

But she still has her moments that induce a big smile on my face. For example, take her Superstar Hero song, that went something like this:

"I am a superstar hero. I will pretect you. I want to pretect you from the bad guys. Hey, Mister Bad Guy, I am here to stop you. Don't make me stop you. I will stop you. I'm going to stop you. Here I come, Mister Bad Guy. I will pretect my friend from you because I am a superstar hero and she is my friend. And I love my friend, so don't make me stop you!"

Sigh, anyone?

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