
Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Escape Artistry 101

Recently I've been coming into Ellie's room in the morning to find her in a bit of a pickle. I can only come up with one explanation for it, which I will share with you right now.

In trying to determine what Ellie could have been thinking, I tried to put myself into her mind:

Night 1:
(upon waking in the middle of the night) You know what? I don't want to stay here anymore. I want to go see Mommy and Daddy. I think I will do just that. Maybe even surprise them! Hmmm... obviously I could walk to them if only it weren't for the closed door. And obviously I could get to the door to deal with that if only it weren't for this crib. How do I get out of this crib? Hmmm, maybe if I go through the bars! First, I'll stick one leg through. Good! We're on our way to freedom! Now, we'll stick the other leg through! Excellent! I think I can feel the floor! Now, we just push, right? Wait. Houston, we have a problem. What do I do about this bar between my legs? Hey! GET OUT OF MY WAY! Oh dear. I'm stuck. Ugh. Ack. Push. Pull. Scream bloody murder for 30 seconds and pass out. (Mommy finds me with my legs sticking out of the crib, and my toes barely touching the floor. Luckily I was able to slump over and still fall asleep on my tummy).

Night 2:
(upon waking in the middle of the night) You know what? I don't want to stay here anymore. I want to see Mommy and Daddy. Obviously last night's effort didn't work. I was definitely doing it all wrong. I have another idea, though! This time, I'll put my leg in here. And my other leg in there. Now I'm not stuck on my tummy like last night! Ah ha! Take that crib! Oh, wait. Hey! How is it that I'm stuck again? I did it completely different! Help! Help! I'm stuck! Ugh. Ack. Push. Pull. Scream bloody murder for many minutes. (Mommy finds me sitting with my legs sticking out of the crib, looking awfully defeated).

Night 3:
(upon waking in the middle of the night) You know what? I don't want to stay here anymore. I want to see Mommy and Daddy. And this time, I have a solution! Obviously sticking your legs into individual slots doesn't work, regardless of which way you're facing. So, the only other option is to stick my legs into the SAME slot. Yes! That's it! There will be no bar between my legs preventing my escape! First leg. Second leg. Good. Good. Bad. Bad. My butts too big to fit through! No, wait. Ahem. It's my DIAPER that is too big! Ugh. Ack. Push. Pull. Scream bloody murder for 30 seconds. Pass out. (Mommy finds me laying on my side with both legs sticking through the bars).

What's her plan for tonight? I guess we'll just wait and see, but the poor little girl must be getting tired of waking up with sore legs! Those crib bars are not very nice to squishy baby legs.


Anonymous said...

That is so adorable! Our neice became a great escape artist at about Ellie's age and nearly broke her nose. We thought this product was ingenious (and a slightly hilarious) Crib Tent

Niffer said...

I think there are so many products out there that are funny. This is definitely one of them. Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

lol, I love the scenarios! I think this is why my sister, when she decided to graduate her kids from cribs to beds, had them sleep only on a full (not twin) mattress on the floor so they wouldn't fall far in their quest to explore.

Niffer said...

Sorry it took so long for me to post your comment. I don't like posting comments until I have time to respond to them.

I am still hoping to transition Ellie into the "big girl" room when the time comes. The hope is to make a big deal out of her getting a new room, meanwhile we keep the nursery as is for the next baby. However, my sister is storing a bunch of stuff in the "big girl" room so that can't happen until we have a real reason to do so. Hopefully she will get over this "escaping" nonsense and we won't have to transition her for a while!