
Friday, July 31, 2009

Bun Bun Amputation Update

Well she went through her first night without Bun Bun's arms. We were unsure of whether or not we wanted to start it last night because Ellie was fussier than normal to begin with, but we were strong. I should correct myself - Michael was strong.

Of course, she insisted on having another Bun Bun, one with arms. But Daddy explained to her that the dentist said Bun Bun was hurting her teeth and so we need to use the armless bunnies until she's no longer needs to have them in her mouth. At that point, the other Bun Buns can come back from vacation. This seemed reasonable to Ellie and she said "OK" but never asked about Bun Bun again.

It was harder to put her to bed, but she ended up going down around 8:15 which wasn't too bad. Then she woke up again around 11:30 and was quite difficult to put back to sleep. Michael commented on it being the hardest time he's ever had.

I thought for sure that she'd wake up upset once more before the night was through, but Ellie ended up sleeping until a decent time. She did wake up before I went in to get her, but she didn't cry so I guess that's a plus. When I went in, she told me about how the Dentist said Bun Bun hurts her teeth and how she cried when he looked at her mouth. I'm sure she's trying to figure out why this Mr. Dentist guy is so important and why he sent Bun Bun away on vacation.

Anyway, considering it was our first night without sucking on Bun Bun, I don't think it went too bad.

We're oh so tired, though. Especially Michael. Poor Michael has been through a lot with his schedule recently. Hugs to Daddy.

1 comment:

Iman Woods Creative said...

That's a great first night! Keep us posted.