
Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Ellie Reads

We recently got a couple new Mommy and Daddy books. Ellie really likes "I Love My Daddy Because" and seems to really connect with it.

After reading the book a couple times, she started pointing to the words:

Ellie: What's dat?
Mommy: The words?
Ellie: Yeah.
Mommy: It says "I love my daddy because he plays with me."
Ellie: What's dat?
Mommy: I love my daddy because he brings me food.
Ellie: What's dat?
Mommy: Do you want me to point to the words as I read them?
Ellie: Yeah! Yeah!
Mommy: Ok.

As requested, I started pointing to each word as I read the book. When I do this, she watches closely and then says "Ok" after each page.

Then she wanted a turn.

Ellie: (pointing to the words) I low my daddy cuz ee lows me. OK?
Mommy: Ok.
Ellie: (flips the page) I low my daddy cuz ee bring me oat-milk! OK?
Mommy: Ok.
Ellie: (flips the page) Ee teach me brave. OK?
Mommy: Ok.
Ellie: (flips the page) Ee teach me be careful. OK?
Mommy: Ok.
Ellie: (flips the page) Ee pays hide-seek wif me. OK?
Mommy: Ok.

This continued through the whole book, never turning the page until I approved of the words she read. Much to my surprise, though, many of the words she pointed to were actually the real words. I'm sure it's because she has already memorized the book enough to know the words without really knowing what they look like, but it still took me by surprise.

Since this wonderful book, Ellie often asks me to point to the words as I read them. Every time I do so, she acknowledges each page with an "OK" as though to tell me she now understands.


Salina said...

I think that's so amazing that it suddenly clicked that the letters on the page, make words, which tell the story! How cool is that??

Niffer said...

I know! And these things always seem to happen over-night! They change so quickly!

Iman Woods Creative said...

She is so amazing! Every time I see her she has learned more. I love these stories about how she interacts with the world.