
Monday, February 15, 2010

Hat Attack

If I understand my baby, which I will not claim to be perfect, whenever I put a hat on her head, she thinks something along these lines:

"What is this? Something is touching my head. Please get it off. It's not getting off. Oh my god, it's not coming off! I think it's stuck! What is it? Oh, please help me! Mommy! Mommy! Come quick! Where are you? I need your help! Something has attacked me! It has me! Can you see what it is? What is it?! I think it's sucking my brain out! Oh my god, that's it! That's what it's doing! My brain is being sucked away as I scream! What did I do to deserve this? Who are these mean brain-suckers and what do they want with me? Someone call 911! Someone call the National Guard! Someone call 9 News! Something has me and I'm not going down without a fight! You can take my brain but you can't take my soul!"

Being a certified Niffer, I have no idea how I ended up with two daughters who hate wearing hats. Maybe they were adopted.
Addie gives up.

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