
Monday, May 09, 2011

Mommy's Day 2011

As far as I'm concerned, Mother's Day is a process. I always want to fit so much into one day that it's not really practical to expect it all to happen. So, this year, Mother's Day spanned approximately 2 weeks. Don't laugh. It all worked out great as far as I'm concerned.

First on the list: Matching dresses for pretty tulip picture with me and my beautiful daughters. I get a kick out of how much they both enjoy wearing the same thing as me. It makes them feel special. As for the picture - I have to update my Facebook profile picture at least once a year, right? Check.

Second: Get family picture. This certainly does not happen often enough and so Mother's Day seems to be a good time to force the matter. Check.

Third: Get generations pictures. It's so apparent that both of these beautiful ladies absolutely love to be a grandmommy. Check.

Forth: Get "cousins" picture. These kids are too cute together, but get them all in the same picture? Ha. Good luck with that one. Check.

Fifth: Get flowers. How beautiful are these baskets? OMG. I love them. And Michael even went one step furhter and surprised me with flowers for my window boxes outside of my bedroom! Check.

Sixth: Amazing Niffer present from my Michael. He did a FANTASTIC job of remembering something I've wanted for years, and I LOVE the results. I especially like how the sun comes in the room at the same angle as the photos - so cool! Check.

Seventh: Release some butterflies into the wild so they can be happy. Wave bye-bye to each one while wishing them well. Please excuse the butterfly porn. Check.

Eighth: Splash around in sprinklers. Ellie had a blast but the verdict is still out for Addie.

Ninth: Treasures, each made with loving little hands. A MUST-HAVE for a happy Niffer. I love the one-eyed Ellie holding hands with Mommy and her updated list of why she loves me. Check.

"I love my mommy because:
- I like about her that I snuggle her
- I like playing with her
- She is very pretty and she looks like a Mommy"

Tenth: Get grandma photos. I absolutely treasure how much my girls love their grandparents, yet amongst the fun I often forget to take photos. Check.

And last, but not least: Bed time hugs from my girls and relaxing hour or two watching something with my love. Check.

I had a fantastic Mother's Day even if it took two weeks to fit it all in. I wish I had gotten a photo of me and my sister, but I suppose that's starting to borderline asking for too much.

Oh wait! I snuck one of those in too. Go ahead and say it. I'm a spoiled Niffer.

1 comment:

melissa said...

Such fun! The matching dresses are so beautiful! You know, I actually spent Mother's Day on Pearl Street myself. I don't think I've seen tulips any lovelier than I see out there.

It looks like you had a wonderful time. Hooray for mommies!!!