
Friday, March 02, 2007

Repeat after me

I really should start taking advantage of the statement "I can't talk about this right now. You're stressing out the baby."

Sometimes I wish I was more strong willed or something. I wish I had the ability to speak my mind or stand up for my actions and decisions without breaking down. I think the problem really comes down to me being so easily persuaded. I may think something through, weigh the pros and cons of a situation before finally coming to an informed decision I'm comfortable with, but all that goes down the drain as soon as I talk to someone who disagrees.

I'd like to think it's because of my ability to see the validity in both sides of any story, but really I just have to admit that I get upset too easily. Sadly, when I get upset about something, I tend to lose the ability to speak which then adds to the lack of ability to clarify my reasons for making my decisions... it's a vicious cycle really.

I bet if I started saying "You're stressing out the baby", it would alleviate much of the need to argue or defend myself. =)


me said...

I am the same way!! I used to feel bad about being like this but actually it's a useful trait because it's good to see both sides of any coin. It also means we're open-minded. And rarely is there ever any issue that just one blanket stance applies; it would be a useful quality for a lawyer. I just liked reading your account though b/c I often feel like this too.

Niffer said...

Hi! I'm not sure if you're going to check again, but I try to respond to all my comments. Thanks for writing!