
Monday, October 13, 2008

An Explosion

Wow! In the last couple of days Ellie has exploded into words! It's incredible.

One such example, she started saying "Gapa" when Grandpa and Grandma were visiting this last weekend. This surprised me, though, because of all the grandparents (and there are a lot), I kind of expected the first one to get a name would be one of those that she sees often. However, she hasn't seen this Grandpa in 9 months! And when he was here, she was shy around him. So it came as a surprise that she kept asking about him whenever he wasn't in sight, or if he went downstairs she would say "Gapa Oh Oh" over and over again until he returned.

So many words! Even daycare mentioned it when I picked her up. This girl has definitely decided it's time to talk!

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