
Thursday, November 30, 2006

To know or not to know. That is the question.

Tomorrow is the big appointment! You know, the one where we get to find out how healthy our baby is, but more importantly, which gender it is! =P Actually, officially Michael and I are leaning towards not finding out. Strange, huh? I know! However, the closer we get to the appointment the more excited I get about it!

It's no secret, I want a little girl so badly! How cute would that be? And besides, I want to have the type of relationship with my daughter as I have with my mother. No doubt in my mind that I want a little pink bundle of joy.

On the other hand... I have to admit that in recent months I've been getting more and more excited about the boy option as well. Everyone knows that it's "Daddy's little girl" and "Momma's boy". Oh, how cute would that be!? No doubt in my mind that a little blue bundle of energy would be more fun than I ever previously considered.

So... I'm back to not knowing which I want, which I guess could be taken to mean that I don't have a preference. But then I start the whole cycle again. I want a girl. No, wait. I want a boy. No, wait. I want either. No, wait. I want both! No, wait. Just a girl would be fine.

See the vicious cycle?

Many people are surprised at the fact that we are leaning towards not finding out. Most of the time, they come up with the excuse of if we know the gender, then we can start buying stuff. I would totally agree with this if we were doing a gender-specific nursery. There is no doubt that the nursery needs to be done before the baby arrives. However, we've already decided that our favorite nursery theme (regardless of boy or girl) is Sweet Vanilla, which is very neutral.

And as far as clothes go... it would be nice to have a collection of yellows and greens because the pink/blue stuff is bound to come after the baby is born.

So knowing the gender just so that I can start buying stuff doesn't work for me. The argument that does... Naming the baby. I have to be honest and say that the thought of speaking to my baby by name even before s/he's born appeals to me.

Hmmm... Did I mention my appointment is tomorrow?! I wonder if I'm going to have the self control to say "no, no, don't tell me what I'm having."


Princeton said...

Hard to believe that someone who considers himself you best friend would not post a reply on you very own blog, eh?...what a that end:
you are adorable.... how do you find the time...daily entries...holy mackeral....

here's hoping you get everything you want and more, Mrs. Granger as soon as you figure out whatever that is, let me know :P

all the best...

Princeton said...

oooh babywearing.. what a great style accessory...all the chicks would dig me... im going to go for it and buy like 10 of do i attach the babies, duct tape?

i wonder what colors are available and if they will match my shoes...

(brown, yellow, pink, etc...)

Heidi said...

Okay, so one can't help but ask: are you leaning or are both of you leaning? My assvice is to figure out one way or another before you get there tomorrow.

(Like you really need to hear that.)

(Sorry, I've had a glass of wine! Before dinner! I'm such a badass!)

(And that would be the wine talking.)

I can say this because we're friends (smile) but if you choose to decide to find out tomorrow I promise you it's still a surprise! Sure, it's a few months earlier than waiting for the actual birth, but it's still a surprise! OTHO that comes from half of a couple who didn't wait and didn't even consider waiting. "I have to know." "Duh, me too!"

And there is always the chance that the baby won't cooperate and you won't find out anyway. The Cracker, however, had his legs spread wide open and there was no question. (Okay, except for the fact that we both thought it was an arm, which of course set J on an automatic high when they informed us it wasn't. TMI, right? Blaming the wiiiine.)

I was totally into talking to the baby by name in advance. How fun is that?

And honestly a lot of the last minute didn't-find-out-until-the-delivery-room fuss that we knew of was not over names, but whether or not to circumcise with a boy. Since our friends didn't agree with their spouses they put their energy into other decisions that had a better than 50/50 chance of coming up. Circumcision is a biggie for most though, even for us when we knew what we were having. (Not only did I win that one, I converted him to my side. I just reminded him, in fact, and he doesn't even remember now not agreeing with me. How good am I? ROFLMAO at myself.)

Another reason for going with the dark side: becoming a parent brings many surprises all by itself. Know how to change a diaper just as I did? Well that does squat when you don't know that the diaper is too small but the package says it should unquestionable fit and it totally looks like it fits. (At 7lbs, 12oz the Cracker was way too big for "newborn" sized diaper and once we figured it out went right into a size 1 which became a 2 before we could go through a box. Diaper weights LIE, LIE, LIE! and it only gets worse as they get bigger.)

Either way, I can't wait to hear about the very big appointment. I was so freaked even though there was nothing to freak about. Sleep well!


AND TO TOM: Best thing is you don't actually have to have access to a baby. Any dog/declawed cat will do.

Niffer said...

Honestly, I think he's more confident than I am on the "I don't want to know" front. I'm the one who is hesitant about it because I go back and forth. I'll be sure to keep you informed. I think Michael and I are going to have to have "a talk" on the way to the hospital this afternoon!