
Tuesday, March 17, 2009

What's your superhero power?

Have you ever wished you had a super power? Of course you have. Though I'd assume you silly boys think about it more than us girls, everyone knows it would be awesome to have a super power!

You'd be wrong. Of course. We often are, aren't we?

You see, I am one of those lucky few who has developed a super power in real life! You heard me! I think it's from the pregnancy, but there is no denying the change. I have a power that no one else seems to have. I can detect smells from miles away!

Some of the many examples:
A banana peal thrown in the trash
A plate of squash
Dirty diapers from afar (with or without poop)
Someone's cough
A burp from across the room
Egg salad sandwiches
Paper recycling bin
Sharpie marker
Dog breath
Day-old drinking fountain water
Rubber from a bouncy ball
Packing peanuts

Yep. The smell of each of these things has, on occasion, resulted in at least one attempt (some successful and some not) to convince whatever is in my stomach to stay there.

I haven't quite figured out how my new-found power can be used to take over the world, but I am working on controlling it. And everyone knows that's the first step. The smells that an average person would not notice or even care if they did, are bold and threaten my mere existence to live a normal life. You've heard of Clark Kent, right? That's me. Niffer by day and Sniffer by night. Two lives - no wonder I'm so tired!


Anonymous said...

I love the Niffer/Sniffer reference, haha! I've heard sense of smell is increased during pregnancy, I wonder what the biology behind it is. Fascinating, keep us updated!

mjh said...

My wife has this superpower, too. And it's always been even stronger when she was pregnant.

There was one time when we were driving on the highway. I was cruising along, and she says, "Do you see that car up ahead?" I look, and WAAAY up ahead (maybe a half mile) there's this tiny spec. I say, "You mean that thing way up there that I can barely see?"


"I see it. What about it?"

"Please pass them."

Of course, I need little incentive to drive faster. So I did. Then I realized that this was an odd request so I asked her why.

She said, "Because someone in that car is smoking."

A bout of incredulity followed, with much discussion about what she could and couldn't possibly smell. This would be easily settled when we caught up to the car, and discovered no one smoking.

Except, that she was right. And I was amazed.

We take walks together through the neighborhood, and she knows which houses have smokers in them. I don't question her anymore.

Niffer said...

Spleeness - my guess is that way ago it was more important for a pregnant woman to stay away from rotten food, thus the crazy ability.

MJH - That's a great story! Your wife and I should get together and create a League of Sniffers. She could be a Sniffer's Helper so that more ground can be covered at one time. You know, like Santa's helper?