
Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Showing so soon?

I had my 12 week doctor's appointment today (Baby's heart rate is ~160). I'm sure this isn't the first time I'll ever say this, nor will it be the last, but this pregnancy takes me by surprise. Mostly because I forget I'm pregnant. With Ellie, I knew to the day how pregnant I was, but this time I have to rely on the weekly update emails I get. My 12 week appointment served as just another reminder. I have a doc's appointment? What for? Oh, yeah. Baby.

So, as soon as I receive my next update email, it will be officially the second trimester mark. Weird. On the bright side, this means I should start having more energy, my boobs are getting bigger, I am not threatened by a super sensitive gagging reflex, and I can start gaining weight without feeling bad.

Speaking of weight... I've gained 4.5 pounds since finding out I was pregnant. This is about the same as last time. However, I AM ALREADY SHOWING!!!! HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE? The first time around, it wasn't until 19 weeks that I got a tummy over night. That's the equivalent of 2 months from now!!!

Is this normal? Do second pregnancies just tend to POP more? Does this mean that my belly button might pop out this time around??? I could be one of those cute pregnant mothers with the outie that people joke about being the sign that the bun is all done. I've always wanted one of those!


Salina said...

I've heard you show earlier during your second pregnancy...maybe something about your body 'remembering'...or that your abs never really go back to their original position which is maybe what holds it all in the first time??

Either way, you gotta post some belly pics!

spleeness said...

wow! I think the next few months are just going to fly by! This is so awesome, I am enjoying your updates.

Niffer said...

Thanks! I'll try to remember to post updates on the pregnancy, but that will only happen during the times I remember I'm pregnant, and as I mentioned in the post, that's few and far between. Maybe that will change when I get a large tummy.

Niffer said...

Salina, I think you're onto something. My coworker's theory has to do with the elevation change between here and MD (where I was pregnant the first time). Something tells me your theory would kick his theory's ass. I'll post belly shots in a couple weeks. Currently I just feel overweight. Not pregnant. Once I get past that point, I'll be proud to show it off.

Anonymous said...

Granted, I've never even been pregnant once, let alone twice. So I don't have a personal insight on this. But I can tell you that EVERY second-time-mom I know has said she showed way faster (and got bigger!) the second time. Just wait till your third!! =)


Heidi said...

Crazy, isn't it?

Niffer said...

AND got bigger? Oh geeze... I kind of liked how last time I was smaller than all the other pregnant women I knew.