
Friday, September 25, 2009

A girly moment

The other day it took us an hour to get home from school, instead of the normal 15 minutes. We went rainbow hunting and as Ellie pointed out, they're really hard to see! However we were lucky enough to see not only one rainbow, but two! And the entire time we were listening to "On my own" from Les Miserables "really really really louder" (a.k.a blasting the volume).

It was quite the girly moment. I even considered painting our toenails when we got home.


Unknown said...

yes! I am so excited so is liking blaring the music...Aunt Erin is coming soon!!!!

Heidi said...

Hehehe. Olive and I had our first truly girly moment a month or two ago. It was so unexpected, so in the moment, something that words could never describe. Good memories for sure!