
Friday, September 18, 2009

Je suis Muzzy! Je suis grand!

In another sad attempt at getting Ellie into a French class that fits our schedule, we may be resorting to buying DVDs or online activities. This is a constant frustration for me as a working mother because I really want my daughter to be exposed to languages, but apparently only those who have stay-at-home moms are special enough to do that.

Anyway... I found Muzzy!!! I remember Muzzy from my own French classes and I recall liking him a lot. Apparently for the same price as one of the inconvenient Wednesday morning classes, I can get Muzzy Level I in FIVE DIFFERENT LANGUAGES!!! It seems like a steal to me.

Another option might be Little Pim but I know nothing about that Panda, but Angelina Jolie uses the program so it must work, right?!

Regardless, these DVDs are giving me hope. We would love to do more French because even to this day (6 months or so AFTER our last French class), Ellie can still count to 10 in French and still LOVES French music. Daddy wants to learn French too!

Wish me luck in my continual search for options and please let me know if there is a fantastic resource I'm overlooking!


Iman Woods Creative said...

I think Muzzy should work pretty well. When I started really learning French I would remember the comercials, "Je suis la juene fille!"

Ellie already gas a knack for it, I think she'll have fun.

I can't believe Muzzy is still around!

Heidi said...

If it makes you feel any better, I can't get Graeme in either. Every darn program requires them to be 5 (check!) but our district runs the elementary schools 9-4, and all the programs (which are in Abq) start @ 4 because their kids get out between 2:30-3:30. I was really excited because I thought at least he could go during the summer, but noooo! They only run classes during the year!

My other gripe is that all the Parks & Rec programs IN OUR TOWN for O's age start or end as the elementary schools start or end. C'mon, they really can't coordinate with the school day? I really want to put her in swimming and tumbling, and you'd think with Graeme gone 4 days/week from 9-4 I could manage at least one. Nope. And on Wednesdays when he gets out early at 12:45, the swimming classes start for her age at 12:30. SERIOUSLY????

I'm starting to wonder if the times work for anyone...

Niffer said...

Heidi - that sucks! I didn't think about that combination. That's just plain stupid. So you're telling me that these places cater to stay-at-home-mothers-of-only-childs? That certainly seems like a small client el. :-)