
Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I fail to see the humor

Just now, I was talking to some colleagues of mine in the hallway about the issues we're seeing with our project. Along comes a guy (who sits close-ish to me, but isn't part of my team) who has a smug look on his face. He comes up to our group, stands close enough to me and another coworker that I'm already a little uncomfortable, and says, "I'll tell you something that will make your problems seem small," with a big smile on his face.

One of us asked what and his response was "My daughter is one of the confirmed cases of Swine Flu from CU and I'm her primary care-giver." We all take an unconscious step away from him and he laughs "See? Imagine the work I'm going to get done in the next week or so when everyone is avoiding me."

Now, mind you, I do think the whole Swine Flu scare is going a little over-board. I do think it's silly that just because my daughter happens to take a flight on a plane, she has to stay away from daycare for 3 full days.

That being said, though, I'm standing next to this guy as a 7.5-month-pregnant woman with a 2 year old daughter. I fail to see the humor in the situation and found the guy to be particularly rude. Let it be known that I will be avoiding his area for a while AND ***IF*** I come down with the flu while pregnant, I will know whose @$$ to kick.


Kelly said...

NOT funny at all. Pregnant women have to be so careful about their health. I'm so mad at this guy! Even to the point that I'm thinking that you might want to approach your HR person about him.

Heidi said...


Iman Woods Creative said...

I second Kelly. I would be pissed.

spleeness said...

Me too. The dude should stay home. The reason everyone's freaking out about the swine flu is because it's so freaking contagious, moreso than the regular flu. The good news is that it doesn't normally get people AS sick but still. Pregnant, I wouldn't want to take my chances.

sqpeggy said...

At first I thought- that guy is obnoxious and I am officially in line to kick is @** if you so much as sniffle... but HR, I don't think you can report someone for being an @**hole. Then I thought- duh... actually Kelly has a good point- he may be highly contagious and totally not taking appropriate precautions. He's probably supposed to be home on quarantine for a few days. So maybe HR should know about him or at least make a public service announcement for future events including how long someone should be home on quarantine if they are contacted with a confirmed case.