
Monday, August 10, 2009

Knock on wood

I'm going to take a moment to comment on how wonderful Ellie has been recently. Over all she has been so pleasant and even if she fusses because she wants something, she will usually stop after we give her a valid reason why she can't have it. There have been very very few tantrums and/or breakdowns and those that have occurred have been due to her being tired or hungry.

I may regret saying this, but these Terrible Twos aren't so terrible after all. What's the big deal? She's so much fun!

I'm sure that there are some of you out there who will respond with agreeing that your experience has shown that the Terrible Twos really weren't that big of a deal. You'd probably tell me that the only reason they put the label to the Twos is that they just don't have a word to describe the Threes. I know a few parents who have told me that they were surprised at how much more difficult the Threes were than the Twos.

But for now, I'm going to risk it. My little girl is still wonderful and sweet. I hope she knows it.


Char said...

I agree the 2's are not so bad! I actually will say Tommy had alot of tantrums and was kinda aggresive around 1-1 1/2 he is so much sweeter and loving and patient at 2!! I'm thinking he may have experienced his 2's early! I have heard about the horrible 3's though and I'm hoping since Tommy had the terrible 2's at 1 that he may skip that. I have heard if they have terrible 2's the 3's are better!! LOL I guess we will find out soon enough and we should just enjoy our little ones :)

Heidi said...

Sounds like it's a great time to add a baby to the family! Hehe!

We loved two too. =)