
Friday, January 15, 2010

Big Sister Quote of the Day XIX

Ellie knows exactly where Bun Bun Bear goes - with the baby. One morning, actually quite some time ago, she found Bun Bun Bear on the floor in Mommy's room. She knew where it went! She picked it up and ran into the baby's room - tossing Bun Bun Bear into the crib. Then she left and closed the door behind her.

Meanwhile, Addie is sleeping peacefully in her crib until she is attacked by a Bun Bun Bear and hears a huge bang of the door slamming afterwards.

It was one of those slow motion things where you can totally see what is going to happen but you just don't have the time to do anything about it. Daddy said "Oh, look what you did, you woke the baby" and Ellie looked confused about what the problem was "I just trying to give Bun Bun Bear to Addie."

We apologized to Ellie for responding so quickly and harshly but explained to her that we needed to start being quiet when the baby is sleeping.

The other day she found Bun Bun Bear on the floor again and went to put it away in the baby's crib. This time whispering, she asked Mommy "Is ok? I just trying to give Bun Bun Bear to Addie." I responded with "Yes, sweetie. It's ok. Thank you for asking," to which she whispered "Welcome!"

1 comment:

mjh said...

Wow! The times where my kids learned something after being corrected only once are hard to recall. That could be because they didn't do it much or because I just don't remember it as much as all the times where we had intractable problems.

I wish I would have written something down to remember the good behavior. I think these posts of yours are going to pay dividends in the not too distant future.