
Thursday, January 04, 2007

Good Pregnant Day

Yesterday I had a kick-ass pregnant day!*

Michael and I finally decided on baby names! Woohoo! However before you get too excited, Michael is hesitant to declare them golden. It's more like silver or maybe even fools golden. He claims they're subject to change without notice, but I'm more confident than he is.

I bet you're expecting me to tell you what the names are, but I refuse to. You can't make me! Actually, in all honesty, I want the names to sink in a little more before we go spreading the news. They're names we've liked for awhile now, but the concept of them being the "chosen" ones is what I feel like needs sinking into.

I went to my first prenatal yoga class last night. Originally I was going to do prenatal pilates, thinking it would be more of an exercise, but the class got cancelled. So, yoga it is (though every time I go to type "yoga" it comes out as "yogart" or "goga". Weird).

I wanted to join a prenatal class in hopes of trying to do something to strengthen my back and to meet other mommies-to-be. The class was a lot of fun and very relaxing. I enjoyed it quite a bit. And there are other mommies-to-be there! Imagine that! Actually, there are two women who are already mothers and four of us newbies. What's strange about it is that the one girl who seems to be my age has the same due date as me! WEIRD!

I'm going to try out the yoga class on Saturday to see how it compares. I'm told that it's a larger class, which might be nice in meeting even more people, but on the other hand, I might like the personal attention I can get from the instructor at the smaller class. Either way, I'm going to decide which class to join soon, but I'm excited that the first one went so well.

I took a nice bath last night to relax and apparently the sound of the running water got the baby all excited. She was doing a little dance under the water. I think it might have been the most active I've ever felt the baby be. How strange it is that I can see her move inside of me! It's a little creepy, honestly. Creepy, but again, I love it!

* But a sucky scrapbooking day. Michaels didn't have the stuff I wanted and every printer I try using keeps eating my paper... so I can't finish the "baby name" page that I'm obviously excited about! UGH! Go figure.


Heidi said...

Congrats on the names! Doesn't it feel great to have it behind you! Did you pick middle names too? (We did not get that taken care of until they forced us to fill out his birth certificate, not that we hadn't tried before then.)

The name thing is so hard because everyone can come up with downside, and even with the best intentions it accidentally slips out like you posted earlier. J and I *just* did this to his sister. She was going through her list of names she likes but that her fiancee doesn't and we ruined one. Crap! We also helped knock off a few with his friends where one liked them and the other didn't. All ended up well though, or so we like to think, as they later used one of them for a dog.

Funny thing is we've had a girl's name that we both immensely love picked out for quite some time, but finding a middle name to go along with it will be nearly impossible so here we go again. (It isn't the same one that we would have used if the Cracker had been a girl.) What makes me laugh is that I never envision myself having a girl, no matter how many kids I have, but we love this name and wouldn't change our minds anytime soon. We both still kinda like some of the same boy names that we had on the Cracker's list, but nothing that has grabbed us. Actually, not true, but the names we do like are far too popular for Jason to consider. (The popularity factor is big with him.)

Notice how I didn't mention any of them? I'm gonna wait until you announce yours so that if your girl name happens to be the same one that we just spoiled for J's sis I won't do it twice.

I've told people our girl name (maybe even you...I don't remember) and they've all just rolled their eyes and commented that it seems like a name we'd pick. And it's fun to share because nobody wants to steal it. ROFL!

Warning though: more than a year after his birth a few very candid friends told me out-of-the-blue "I hated his name and thought you were crazy, but I'll admit it's grown on me." Gee...thanks. And even though one of them had picked a name I absolutely hate and that hadn't grown on me I kept my mouth shut.

Congrats again! I hope no one gives you any grief!

Niffer said...

Hehehe.... "they ended up using one for a dog". That makes me laugh.