
Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Uh... I don't get it.

First, let's give you the update... yes, the baby is still doing well. I had my monthly appointment again yesterday, and the heart rate is somewhere in the 140s. This time, though, we were actually able to hear the valves closing. They made a clicking sound with every beat. If you've ever heard shrimp while snorkeling, then you will know what I'm talking about. Well, maybe not completely, but that is what it made me think of.

Second, I don't understand today's baby update.
"Air sacs will develop in baby's lungs"
Huh? I don't get it! How is that possible? It's not like the baby has free access to oxygen. Or even not-so-free access. OK, so this is probably going to demonstrate to everyone why I did not go into biology, but the way I understand it is this:

I breathe in oxygen. My lungs transfer the Oxygen to the blood stream. The blood stream transfers oxygen to the organs in my body. The placenta is one of my organs and acts to filtrate and transfer nutrients, including oxygen, to the baby*. I find it amazing that the baby does not share the mother's blood. Anyway... this oxygen is in the blood. It's not in air form. So... how on earth do the lungs develop the air sacs when there is no air???

It's amazing that any babies are actually born. There is so much that happens! It baffles my mind.

* And please, no need to comment on how most mammals eat the placenta after giving birth because it has so many nutrients. And yes, I already know that some exotic cultures do this as well, but believe me when I say that I have had enough people tell me this already. And my reaction has yet to change. Yuck.

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